A professional team
Grand Safari is a team of bush guides with solid african hunting experience. All have been guiding foreign hunters for many years and are aware of client’s expectations. They are all qualified as big game professional hunters and can guide you to the most dangerous game Africa has to offer. In accordance with the laws of the country where you will be hunting, Grand Safari will conduct your rifle, bow, handgun, and/or black powder safari.
Official measurements
Christophe Beau is an official measurer for both SCI (Safari Club International) and Rowland Ward, so if you want to register any of your trophies, their official measurements are just a formality away with Grand Safari.
Rowland Ward has a long and prestigious history and tradition in the hunting world. It is now well over a century since the first book containing horn measurements was published. Rowland Ward’s objective was to start a record of trophies which led him to publish Horn Measurements and Weights of the Great Game of the World in 1892. It is this objective that has sustained this book over the years. This was the first work of its kind and remained the only one for many years. It was not designed to be a scientific work but was compiled for sportsmen as well as scientists who were interested in seeing comparable measurements at a glance. The measurements were naturally listed in order of size; this however was not intended to have any competitive connotation.
The Book, the name by which Rowland Ward ’s Records of Big Game is known to all hunters around the world, is the one universally accepted and objective source which establishes what a trophy animal really is, whether you are hunting in Australia or Austria, Brazil or Botswana, China or Czechoslovakia. Rowland Ward ’s Records of Big Game was established over 100 years ago to set down details of game animals as a matter of interest to the Sportsmen.
Safari Club International is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation worldwide.That’s why SCI Membersare active in more than 100 countries, and why you’ll cherish your involvement with SCI. SCI fights tirelessly to protect the hunting heritage enjoyed by 15 million Americans and 45 million families around the globe. Together, we help every sportsman and sportswoman understand how and why SCI is truly “First for Hunters.” By joining SCI, you join the ranks of hunters spanning more than 100 countries who share the same passion for our hunting heritage and wildlife conservation as you.