Hunters Bag

Africa is an immense and magnificent continent. Visiting an African country, either for hunting or touring, takes a bit of preparation. African seasons are the opposite of Europe and North America. We mainly hunt during our Southern Winter when temperatures are moderate to cool. More info on South Africa More info on Namibia More info on Tanzania Packing your bag is a key part of your trip and has to be done wisely. One does not want to get short of clothing or medication while travelling in a foreign country. Flying means travelling light. Your checked baggage allowance will limit you to a rifle case as one piece of luggage, and a suitcase, wheelie, or duffel as your second piece of luggage. Usually you can transport your ammunition in your checked suitcase, but be prepared for the carriers that want ammunition in a separate item of luggage (recommend a s teel ammo can in the suitcase or removed as necessary). Some not all carriers allow ammunition in your rifle case. Always transport ammunition in factory boxes, in CHECKED luggage, and limit ammunition to a weight of 10 pounds or less. Grand Safari recommends you pack the following in your carry On bag:

  • Your camera and / or video camera
  • 1 pair of hunting trousers (khaki or green)
  • 1 hunting shirt (dark in color) and 2 T-shirts
  • 1 fleece jacket (dark color)
  • 1 pair of well broken in lightweight leather boots
  • 1 set of underwear – ALL PRESCRIPTION DRUGS
  • Samples of recommended medication (see our “Health” recommendations)
  • Sunglasses
  • 1 Cap
  • Passport
  • 1 pair of binoculars (10×40 for plains game and leopard, 8×30 for buffalo)
  • Two sets of hunting clothes (in addition to the one in your carry-on).
  • Possibly a second pair of WELL BROKEN IN lightweight leather boots.
  • Personal gear should include a hat, sunscreen (SPF 30 or better), lip balm, insect repellent, cartridge pouch, rain jacket (such as Goretex), and a fleece jacket with hood for mornings.
  • Good quality compact flash light (with spare batteries)
  • Needle and thread for clothing repairs
  • Canteen with carry strap or pouch for South Africa and Namibia, 3 liter hydration pack for Buffalo and Elephant in Tanzania
  • Soft rifle case for vehicle, (optional as we have some of them for you to use).
  • Cough Drops, plus cough syrup for leopard hunts
  • Ear plugs and paper targets for zeroing rifle (optional)
  • Leather gloves
  • Bug jacket (for Tanzania)
  • Q Tips (for cleaning ears)
  • Whistle (carry in pocket)
  • Pocket Knife (your tracker and PH will do all field dressing of game)

Remember that liquids and gels are prohibited in carry-on! Although Grand Safari camps all offer daily laundry services, you should pack in your check bag:

Nylon shoes and boots are routinely punctured by thorns is Africa: ouch! Wool collects burrs and thorn branches: not recommended! One set of casual clothes worn for airline travel, plus a spare casual shirt, will suffice for a hunting safari. Our selection of shirts and jackets are offered in the colors most suitable for African Safari. If you specify your size in advance, your order will be ready upon your arrival for your safari.


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Formal requirements

Trophies and transport

Grand Safari trackers are not only experts on tracking and skinning, but also good companions and assistants during your safari. The field preparation of your trophies as well as the taxidermy are two very important parts of your safari. While Grand Safari does the field preparation itself. We have relations with taxidermist in South Africa. A quick visit in their workshop after your safari will show you how it’s done. The work is of very high quality, delays are moderate and all paper work is done on time. If you are accustomed to working with any other taxidermist, they will forward your raw trophies (often called “Dipping & Packing”) to the taxidermist of your choice. Your Tanzanian trophies can either be shipped in South Africa, or to any other taxidermist in the world. The choice is yours.

Fauna and Flora Customs House Brokers is donating shipping for the “Wounded Warrior”. They offer “Consolidated Sea Freight” for finished trophy mounts.


It is always recommended to hunt with your own guns, and you will be able to do so at any of our destinations. We will provide you with the necessary forms, and we will take care of getting all African permits on your behalf. You will also need to show a US Customs form upon return to the US, obtained prior to leaving the US, listing the make, model, and serial number of your guns. We also have a limited number of rifles to rent in all our camps. Calibers will vary upon type of hunting to be done. This option has to be booked well in advance, contact us for details. In South Africa: – SAKO rifle caliber 222 Remington fitted with Zeiss scope 3 – 9 x 40 – SAKO rifle caliber 300 WM fitted with Zeiss scope 3 – 9 x 40 – SAKO rifle caliber 375 H&H Magnum fitted with Schmidt & Bender scope 1,5 – 6 x 42 – Shotgun 12 gage with red lazer point In Namibia: -Mauser rifle caliber 30.06 fitted with Swarovski scope -Mauser rifle caliber 300 WM fitted with Leipold scope -Karl Walter rifle caliber 375 H&H Mag. Fitted with Zeiss scope In Tanzania: -Blaser rifle caliber .416 Remington fitted with Schmidt & Bender scope.


Traveling in South Africa and Namibia with a US passport RSA and Namibia issue a tourist Visa to US Citizens when their flight lands at airport customs. They require at least 6 months before Passport expiration, and a blank page in the passport. Traveling in Tanzania with a US passport A tourist visa is required for US Citizens entering Tanzania. Best is to consult Tanzania embassy for all your visa requirements.


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Water: it must drink

It is hot in Africa. And when it is hot, it was thirst. Our body operating at full speed with at least 2 liters of water per day by a medium heat. There is in the foods we eat but this is not sufficient. Do you know it is sufficient to 2 per cent of lack of water in the body to see its capacity decrease by 20 per cent? The sensation of thirst is triggered by cerebral receivers activated by changes in blood concentration. When the signal sounds, it is already a little late. That is why, one must drink the most regular possible, even if we do not feel the need. Dehydration due to a coup of heat arrives quickly: fatigue, headache, irritability, insomnia, or even malaise.

Any work muscular product of the heat. Only 20 % of the energy spent by the muscle is transformed into mechanical work. The rest, it is to say 80 %, is transformed into heat that our body must evacuate in order to maintain its temperature the more constant possible. The water lost in the form of sweat must therefore be compensated in order to avoid the risk of dehydration. The rule is simple: it must drink before, during and after a physical effort. Note: In order not to hinder this evaporation, it must be ensured light clothing, made of materials for the sweat of disappear and avoid waterproof garments imperative type wind-breaker.
The team of Grand Safari has always make you drink it! The guides are particularly attentive to your water consumption and invite you to you to drink as often as necessary.

First aid kit

Although Grand Safari maintains fully stocked first aid kits, clients are advised to bring:

  • Prescription Drugs (including malaria medication and a broad spectrum antibiotic for Tanzania)
  • Non-prescription drugs such as Ibuprofen, decongestants, eye drops, and remedies for travelers diarrhea
  • Sunscreen (SPF 30 or better), lip balm, antiseptic cream for cuts, balm for sore muscles (Ben Gay or equal)
  • Insect repellant
  • Cloth tape and Mole Skin for blisters
  • Band-Aids
  • Tweezers (for thorns) in checked baggage


No vaccination or shots required for South Africa and Namibia.
Yellow fever for Tanzania; consult your physician and for recommended shots (such as tetanus and hepatitis).
MALARIA: NO Malaria in the Eastern Cape of RSA, nor in Etosha Conservancy in Namibia. Anti-malaria drugs are strongly recommended in Tanzania.
Although Grand Safari has well stocked first aid kits in camps, we recommend you take your own medication for minor wounds, cuts, blisters …


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