with Turquoise Horizon c.c. trading as GRAND SAFARI

In so many cases, clients arrive totally unprepared and uninformed about certain procedures concerning their hunt. It is important that certain terms are fully understood.

In reference to the booking of a hunt :

– Base 1×1 1 hunter and 1 guide – Base 2×1 2 hunters and 1 guide

– Base 2×2 2 hunters and 2 guides – Base 4×2 4 hunters and 2 guides

Hunter(s) = client(s), guide = professional hunter or PH

Observer :

* When referring to the observer, he or she is someone who accompanies the hunter on safari. The observer does not have the right to hunt.  However, should the observer wish to hunt and if circumstance permit, arrangements can be made to accommodate them.

* To share the guide (making it a 2×1) the additional daily cost must be made up to the daily rate.

* If the observer requires a personnel guide (making it a 1×1) the additional daily cost must be made up to the daily rate. In certain cases it will also be necessary to pay hunting taxes depending on which country the hunt takes place. GRAND SAFARI will always try to accommodate observers wanting to hunt, but in some cases this might just be impossible to do in short notice. It is important to plan your trip in advance and to let GRAND SAFARI knows all your requirements.

Hunting Contract :

For confirmation of each hunt, a contract must be signed by all parties involved. GRAND SAFARI will send a signed contract to the client. The contract must be signed and returned to GRAND SAFARI by post, fax or e-mail when the booking is made.  Should the contract not reach GRAND SAFARI then GRAND SAFARI reserve the right to organize the hunt as they see fit. This contract is of vital importance when organizing certain aspects of the Safari (species requirement). This contract safeguards not only the client’s interest but also the interests of the agent and GRAND SAFARI.

Packages :

When choosing a package hunt, the hunter must be aware of the following conditions:

Buying a package is basically buying the right to hunt certain species of game listed on the contract. The guide will make sure that the client at least sees the game and have a fair chance to harvest the requested animals. GRAND SAFARI cannot guarantee that the hunter will obtain his animals. Under no circumstances can one animal be exchanged for another, unless otherwise specified by GRAND SAFARI.

If the hunt is booked 2×1 and one hunter cancels, the difference must be paid to make it a 1×1 hunt upon the arrival of the other hunter.

Hidden Costs :

* If the hunter decides to alter or amend the proposed safari before arrival, the cost shall be for the onuses of the hunter. GRAND SAFARI will however, confirm the additional costs by fax .

* Should the hunter wish to amend or alter his safari once it has commenced, then GRAND SAFARI will inform the hunter of the additional costs. The difference must be paid on site and in cash.

Taxidermy and shipment of Trophies :

* The hunter has the right to use the taxidermist of his choice, whether it is a local or foreign taxidermist is of no consequence. GRAND SAFARI is responsible for the field preparation and transportation of the “wet pack” to the taxidermist only. This preparation is a service and there is no extra charge.

* Should the client not wish to have his trophy(ies) done in South Africa there will be a cost for dipping and packing from the local taxidermist providing this service. The cost of this depends on the trophy that is desired.

* However, should the client wish to use a local taxidermist, taxidermy account must be settled directly with the taxidermist. There will be a deposit to be paid upon the taxidermist’s conditions.

Reservations : Only on the receipt of a deposit will the hunt be confirmed. This amount varies between destinations. If no deposit is received, GRAND SAFARI reserves the right to cancel the safari in question. See General Conditions for more details.

Conditions of Sale

by Turquoise Horizon c.c. trading as GRAND SAFARI


Under no circumstances shall GRAND SAFARI be held responsible for the following conditions: delays, cancellations or rescheduling of any flights, loss of baggage, break down, loss of life or injury caused by a third party. GRAND SAFARI reserve the right to change, alter or amend the program stated in the itinerary supplied at any time should it see fit to do so. However, should this occur a suitable substitute will be found for the program. In regards to air transportation, GRAND SAFARI shall not be held responsible for delay, cancellation, loss of baggage, injury or loss of life or a change of schedule made by the air company in question. GRAND SAFARI shall not be held responsible for the failure of the client to arrive for “check in” on time. GRAND SAFARI reserve the right to cancel a tour or re-adjust the price should there not be sufficient clients to warrant departure. GRAND SAFARI also reserve the right to alter the mode of transport to suite the size of the group without consulting said group.

GRAND SAFARI cannot be held responsible for the condition, availability, or lack thereof, of game, marine fauna and flora, weather or clarity of water.


GRAND SAFARI cannot be held responsible should an airline, car hire company, hotel chain or any association with whom GRAND SAFARI does business modifies its prices at any time. GRAND SAFARI reserve the right to amend the prices to the same proportion as amended by such a company. All prices quoted are for specific group size, should the size of the group change at the last minute, be it bigger or smaller, GRAND SAFARI reserve the right to alter such prices on acknowledgment of such a change.


Upon reservation of a group or clients, a 50% (fifty percent) deposit is required by GRAND SAFARI. The balance of 50% (fifty percent) shall be deposited no less than sixty (60) days before the departure date. Should this balance not be received or notification not be given to GRAND SAFARI, cancellation shall ensue. GRAND SAFARI reserves the right to retain the deposit paid by said client. See cancellations. These conditions may change from one destination to an other, GRAND SAFARI will always specify these conditions on the quote,  invoice or contract sent to the client.

Should the group or clients wish to reserve a tour without sufficient notice additional costs may incur. This is for phone and fax calls etc. The rooming list must be received two months prior to departure date. Should no such list be received, then reservations should be made as seen fit by GRAND SAFARI.


Should the group or clients wish to cancel more than 60 days before departure, the 50% (fifty percent) deposit shall be retained by GRAND SAFARI. Should the client cancel less than 60 days before departure then the total amount shall be retained by GRAND SAFARI.. We strongly advise our clients to arrange a cancellation and curtailment insurance to avoid such an event from happening. We also advise our clients to arrange a  medical and repatriation insurance before their departure.

If such a client should wish to or be forced to shorten a tour, no money shall be refunded by GRAND SAFARI and the expenses shall be the sole responsibility of said client.


Hotel accommodation must be vacated by the hour prescribed by the various hotels, normally this is either 10:00 or 12:00 hrs midday. Failure to do so will be for the onuses of said client. If a client requires a single room, said client shall pay the extra cost required by the hotel or hotels in question. Prices quoted by GRAND SAFARI are normally (unless otherwise stated) on a basis of persons sharing.

Documentation and health.

All clients are requested to observe the laws and regulations of each country visited. Should a client not have the correct documentation or health requirements (vaccinations etc) for the country in question the client shall be solely responsible. Should there be any cost to rectify such a problem this shall be the sole responsibility of said client.

Turquoise Horizon cc t/a GRAND SAFARI – P.O.Box 2633 – Beacon Bay 5205 – SOUTH AFRICA