The Hunting Areas


We operate out of a superb concession in Northern Cameroon on the Benoue river and bordering the Benoué National Park.
The whole area is well known for hosting the very best Lord Derby Eland hunting in the country. Our play ground is covered of rolling hills with light forest, grass savannah lands and some small mountains, making it an ideal biome for its majesty the Lord Derby Eland as well as for savannah buffalo, western roan, elephant …

The Camp.

Savannah: Typical West African hunting camp, made of traditional chalets called “boukarou”, all with a private en-suite bathroom. Every bed has a mosquito net and electricity is supplied with a generator, allowing charging batteries at night.
Meals are taken in the mess / restaurant of the camp and prepared by the former French consulate gourmet chef.

The Hunting.

Savannah: Best time is from 15 December to 15 April. Best time is from 15 December to 15 April. You will be hunting with your dedicated PH and his team of trackers and gun bearers, and will be using a hunting vehicle to move in within the area. Usual way to hunt is to walk or drive around looking for a fresh track, and to follow it up on foot until we find the specimen hunted that day. Sometime the animal can be also spotted and stalked.


Our travel partner Iles & Voyages is a French based company specialized in Cameroon. We have worked out an ADMIN PACK with them, where our agent will physically take your passport to the Cameroon embassy in Bruxelles to have all visa and permits issued on your behalf.

Our ADMIN PACK covers:

  • Your Tourist Visa to enter Cameroon (including FEDEX cost to send your passport back to you. Allow at least 15 working days when sending your passport to Iles & Voyages).
  • The Import Permit of your rifle to Cameroon
  • Meet & Greet in Douala and/or Yaoundé. Assistance and transfer to the Hilton or Pullman Hotel or equivalent for the night (hotel on B&B included). Pick up next morning for either your flight to Ngaoundéré (NGE) for savannah hunts, or for road transfer to Rain Forest hunts.
  • Same VIP assistance when you get back to Douala / Yaoundé, to either board your international flight OR to check in at your Hotel for either a day room or for the night, depending on your flight schedule (Hotel cost not included). We recommend you book your international flight the day after getting back to Douala / Yaoundé. Same day travel back home is an option, but with sometimes tight correspondences. Ask us for advice.


  • Hunter € (inquire for latest prices)
  • Non hunter € (inquire for latest prices)

Please note that our ADMIN PACK is NOT compulsory and you may do all formalities yourself. It is rather time consuming and last we knew, Cameroon embassy in Washington USA was asking over $ 1,000 for your gun import permit alone…)

This ADMIN PACK is a BARGAIN, money well spent!


We have 3 main Safari options on offer.

2 options targeting primary species and one option offering secondary species only.

All options exclude trophy fees and other costs specified in our conditions below.
We recommend sending a deposit towards trophy fees to our office prior travelling, avoiding carrying too much cash on you.

A: LORD DERBY ELAND / 12 and 14 days

Allowing one DERBY ELAND + one additional primary specie + 4 secondary species

 12 & 14 day Safaris (excluding trophy fees)Safari rates in USD
12 days on 1×1(inquire for latest prices)
14 days on 2×1(inquire for latest prices)

B: LION or ELEPHANT / 12 days

Allowing one LION + one additional primary specie + 4 secondary species

21 day Safari (excluding trophy fees)Safari rates in EUROS
1×1(inquire for latest prices)

C: Secondary Species only/ 6 days

Allowing 4 secondary species

6 day Safaris (excluding trophy fees)Safari rates in USD
1×1(inquire for latest prices)
2×1(inquire for latest prices)

Observer / non hunter, sharing with the hunter: € (inquire for latest prices)

Daily rates of all our safari options include:

  • Full board accommodation (including bar in moderation, excluding French champagne and hard liquor)
  • Services of a PH and his team
  • Daily laundry during the hunt

Not included in our daily rates:

  • All flights & Road transfers USD 720 / 4×4 vehicle round trip
  • Hunting licenses USD 2,400 for options A & B and USD 960 for option C
  • Dipping / packing / crating, see above
  • Personal expenses (ie medical plan or any personal insurance policies) and tips to the staff at your discretion

Condition of sale:

  • 50% deposit on the daily rate to confirm your dates
  • Balance 90 days prior departure
  • A trophy deposit is required, avoiding then traveling with too much cash. Balance may be settled CASH in EUROS on site at the end of the safari.
  • Overpaid deposit will be returned within 14 days or used towards trophy export upon your instructions


Species *French NameCategory
Buffalo, SavannahBuffle de savannePrimary
Bushbuck, HarnessedGuib HarnachéPrimary
Eland, Lord DerbyEland de DerbyPrimary
Roan, WesternHippotrague RoannePrimary
Waterbuck, Sing SingCob DefassaPrimary
Baboon, dog facedCynocéphaleSecondary
Civet CatCivetteSecondary
Duiker, Red FlankedCéphalophe à flancs rouxSecondary
Duiker, Western BushCéphalophe de GrimmSecondary
Hartebeest, WesternBubaleSecondary
KobCob de BuffonSecondary
Reedbuck, BohorRedunca / Cob des roseauxSecondary
Genet catGenetteSecondary

* All species on limited quota, to be confirmed

  • Trophy fees includes government taxes + community levy
  • Wounded and lost animals are to be paid in full. Female and young is double trophy fee.

Typical Itinerary.

Based on the most used flights provided by AIR FRANCE (daily flights to DOUALA), and BRUSSELS AIRLINES (5 flights a week)

  • First Day: Arrival in Douala, VIP meet & greet at the aircraft and night at the Pullman Hotel or equivalent.
  • Second Day: Transfer back to Airport for your CAMAIRCO domestic flight to Ngaoundéré (flights to be confirmed when booking your safari).
  • Hunting Days: From 6 to 14 days depending on the option taken
  • Last day: Road transfer back to Ngaoundéré on the morning to catch your CAMAIRCO domestic flight
    back to Douala

Trophy Export Preparation and Crating for both Savannah and Forest hunts.

This is a very IMPORTANT point when planning a trip in Western / Central Africa. Repatriation of trophies can be very problematic in this part of Africa where weather conditions combined to often poor logistics can have devastating effects on your trophies.
We proud ourselves to have this aspect of your safari well covered by offering you a very
secured way to export your trophies anywhere in the world.
All trophies from Cameroon transit first to France where they are shipped all over the world.

Dipping & packing & crating & shipping costs from Cameroon:

Safari option ASafari option BSafari option C
Field preparation & treatmentUSD 1,200USD 1,200USD 720
Elephant skull & tusks+ USD 1,800
Crating & shipping to FranceUSD 1,440On requestUSD 1,200

Rates above are an accurate estimation that will need confirmation, upon freight fluctuations

Trophy Export includes:

  • Field preparation (salting, drying, folding, labeling, insecticide, bactericide of all trophies)
  • All requested documents from Cameroon including trophy harvesting certificate, certificate of origin, CITES permit where applicable and veterinary certificate
  • Packing, crating and custom clearance in Cameroon

Not included in Trophy Export costs:

  • CITES import permit in YOUR country
  • Custom Clearance in France (upon amount and value of trophies harvested), inspection, storage and shipping cost to final destination
  • Any insurance policies

When confirming your safari with us, we will put you in contact with our shipping agent so no time will be wasted when forwarding your trophies to your final destination. A full quote will then be sent to you.

Booking your Flights.

  • Book your own ticket or let our travel partner do this for you. They are specialized in Cameroon and we highly recommend using them when travelling with firearms etc. They are also handling our ADMIN PACK for Cameroon. This is a one stop deal, well worth it.
  • Your travel agent may not be able to book your CAMAIRCO flights, our partner Iles & Voyages will.

IMPORTANT NOTICE, please read through:

  • ALL prices above are in US dollars
  • You will obtain your visa via your travel agency OR your local Cameroon embassy or consulate. It is your responsibility to obtain the required visa you will need to travel to Cameroon*
  • Yellow fever inoculation is compulsory for travelling in Cameroon, make sure you have your yellow fever card up to date and handy at all time while travelling
  • Cameroon officials require a medical report confirming being fit for hunting. Go to your GP and have a medical report done stipulating you are fit for hunting in AFRICA. This is NO JOKE and without any certificate, we CANNOT apply for your hunting license*
  • Your international flight ticket is your responsibility, make sure to give us the right dates of arrival & departure so to secure the right logistics around your safari*
  • We suggest you subscribe to a travel / cancelation / repatriation insurance policy when booking your flight, also covering your personal items against loss and theft, delivery delay*
  • Airlines delays may cause additional expenses; they will be at your expenses
  • While travelling, please take 6 copies of the following documents with you (6 of each):

6 copies of your firearm import permit
6 copies of your passport (page with ID photo)
6 copies of your visa for Cameroon

Firearm Import and Hunting License:

  • Firearm import: Contact your nearest Cameroon embassy for this formality*
  • For your hunting license, we need the following from you*:
    4 ID photos
    Original medical report “fit for hunting in Africa” (have 2 originals made up and keep one on you in case the other went missing)
    Scanned copy of your passport (page with your ID photo)
    Scanned copy of your visa for Cameroon
    Scanned copy of your firearm import permit for Cameroon

Please note that for all points marked with * , our partner Iles & Voyages will assist you. Most of these points* are already covered with our ADMIN PACK option.

TIPS from your PH

2 sets of hunting clothes are enough, laundry is done daily. Prefer khaki / brown colors with long sleeves (sun protection). A fleece for evenings and early mornings. Energy bars & sweets in your light back pack where a tracker would also carry your water, camera and spare ammunition (you need a ammo patch to avoid making noises with loose ammo in your pockets. Well-broken shoes, sandals for evenings, hat, sun block & sunglasses, pocketknife, headlamp, light leather gloves & light knee patches for final approach could be handy.