New year coming with new challenges and a brand new destination in West Africa (the deep dark Africa as it is known).
We have just returned from the first exploration trip on our new concession in Benin (one of the biggest in the country), and what we found there was huge potentials. Good infrastructures with lots of hunting roads and tracks, good water etc. We just need to freshen up the hunting vehicles and the rustic camp and we will have one of the best west african hunting concession that is currently on offer. We have already started the process and will keep you posted on progress.
For what is left of the season (ending mid May), we are offering discounted hunt so to start our hunting reports as early as possible. Those not looking for 5 stars accommodation but excellent hunting in West Africa might want to look us up on those offers.
A first video was released a few minutes ago on our way to Vegas right now for the annual SCI convention.