Dernières nouvelles
Grand Safari6 months ago
🇧🇼 - BOTSWANA- 🇧🇼
👉 Kingdom of the Gentle Giants. The region has been overpopulated with elephants for decades, creating ongoing human / wildlife conflicts. Harvesting a few old bulls each season does not help much solving those issues, but at least it does bring much needed protein to the local population ...
You have the means and the desire to hunt? Now is YOUR safari time. Late bookings? Let's see how we can still help you this year, 2025 bookings are open.
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#grandsafari #fairchasehunting #plainsgamehunting #phasa #huntingbotswana #huntingelephant
👉 Kingdom of the Gentle Giants. The region has been overpopulated with elephants for decades, creating ongoing human / wildlife conflicts. Harvesting a few old bulls each season does not help much solving those issues, but at least it does bring much needed protein to the local population ...
You have the means and the desire to hunt? Now is YOUR safari time. Late bookings? Let's see how we can still help you this year, 2025 bookings are open.
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#grandsafari #fairchasehunting #plainsgamehunting #phasa #huntingbotswana #huntingelephant
Grand Safari6 months ago
🇳🇦 - NAMIBIA- 🇳🇦
👉 Some species are also fun to be hunted in Namibia. Brown Hyena is one of them. Also got a caracal and a very large black backed jackal in the process ...
You have the means and the desire to hunt? Now is YOUR safari time. Late bookings? Let's see how we can still help you this year, 2025 bookings are open.
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#grandsafari #fairchasehunting #plainsgamehunting #phasa #huntingnamibia #huntingbrownhyena #huntingcaracal #huntingblackbackedjackal
👉 Some species are also fun to be hunted in Namibia. Brown Hyena is one of them. Also got a caracal and a very large black backed jackal in the process ...
You have the means and the desire to hunt? Now is YOUR safari time. Late bookings? Let's see how we can still help you this year, 2025 bookings are open.
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#grandsafari #fairchasehunting #plainsgamehunting #phasa #huntingnamibia #huntingbrownhyena #huntingcaracal #huntingblackbackedjackal
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GRAND SAFARI au CONGO: Le dernier Safari de la saison 2014
Nous sommes début Octobre 2014, je suis à Brazzaville et attend un petit groupe de chasseur Français. Même si les pluies tropicales devraient être plus
novembre 7, 2014
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Nouvelles de Brousse Septembre 2014
OUGANDA, quelques nouveaux animaux records prélevés dernièrement Tom revient juste de notre concession en Ouganda, voici ces premiers commentaires : Hello Christophe; Les résultats de
septembre 29, 2014
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Nouvelles de Brousse Juillet – Août 2014
Suite et fin du safari de Sergey et son chasseur Dima qui prélèvera un magnifique Cob des Montagnes et un Damalisque à Front Blanc. Notre
août 29, 2014
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6 :00 du matin, il fait suffisamment jour pour discerner ce petit troupeau de Bongos glaner les feuilles les plus tendres en bordure de la
juillet 29, 2014
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